.. _authentication: ************** Authentication ************** Lasso Server provides a built-in users and groups system. Initially, this system is only used to secure access to the Lasso Server Admin application. It can be used to provide authentication for your own web apps; however, Lasso is also flexible enough to support custom security and authentication mechanisms. Lasso's security system data is stored in a SQLite database located in the instance's "SQLiteDBs" directory. Passwords are not stored in plain text, though other information such as user names and group names are unencrypted. Within the system, users are grouped into particular realms. A :dfn:`realm` completely separates its users such that the same username+password combination could exist in two different realms and they would be considered two unique users. A user only ever belongs to one realm which it is assigned to when the user is created. When a Lasso Server instance is first initialized, a "Lasso Security" realm is created. This is the default realm used in all the security-related methods and types. Alternate realms can be specified when needed. Users can be grouped together. Each :dfn:`group` can contain zero or more users. Users can belong to multiple groups at the same time. Users from different realms can belong to the same group. The special group "ANYUSER" always consists of all users. The special group "ADMINISTRATORS" is used to control who can access the Lasso Server Admin application as well as other system-related applications. The built-in security system is accessed through two different interfaces: the set of ``auth_…`` methods and the :type:`security_registry` object. Authenticating Users ==================== Web apps use the ``auth_…`` methods to execute simple security checks. The checks acquire the username, password, and realm information from the current web request and, therefore, require that a request be active. In all cases, if the check fails or if no username and password are provided, then the auth methods will generate an "HTTP 401 Unauthorized" response with a :mailheader:`WWW-Authenticate: Digest` header. The request is then aborted, by default. If the security checks succeed, then the methods return nothing. If electing not to abort when the check fails, a caller can check `web_response->getStatus` to determine the result. .. method:: auth_admin(-realm::string= 'Lasso Security', \ -noAbort= false, \ -errorResponse= '', \ -noResponse= false) Checks that the current authenticated HTTP client user is in the "ADMINISTRATORS" group. An alternate realm can be given and the default abort behavior can be altered. By default, a simple "Not Authorized" content body is generated; this can be specified with the ``-errorResponse`` parameter or the body can be left empty by passing ``-noResponse``. .. method:: auth_user(name::string, \ -realm::string= 'Lasso Security', \ -noAbort= false, \ -errorResponse= '', \ -noResponse= false) Checks that the current authenticated HTTP client user matches the given name. .. method:: auth_group(group::string, \ -realm::string= 'Lasso Security', \ -noAbort= false, \ -errorResponse= '', \ -noResponse= false) Checks that the current authenticated HTTP client user is in the specified group. Managing Users ============== The :type:`security_registry` object provides a more complete interface to Lasso's security system. It does not rely on an ongoing web request and can be used freely once the system is initialized. The `security_registry` methods permit a realm to be specified, but the object otherwise defaults to using the "Lasso Security" realm. Before the security system can be used, it must be initialized by calling the `security_initialize` method. Lasso Server calls this method as it starts up and so this step can be safely skipped by web applications. Command-line or other tools that want to use the security system should call this method as early as possible when starting up. A :type:`security_registry` object can be created with zero parameters. When created, it will open a connection to the security database. The object must be closed once it is no longer required. .. method:: security_initialize() Initializes Lasso's ability to connect to the security SQLite database. Lasso Server calls this automatically, but you will need to call it if you wish to use the :type:`security_registry` type. .. type:: security_registry .. method:: security_registry() Creates a new :type:`security_registry` object. Once created, it can be used to: - Add/remove groups - Alter group metadata (name, enabled) - Add/remove users - Alter user metadata (password, comment, enabled) - Assign/unassign users to groups - Validate username/password/realm combinations .. member:: security_registry->close() Closes the :type:`security_registry` object's connection to the security information database. .. member:: security_registry->addGroup(name::string, \ enabled::boolean = true, \ comment::string = '') Attempts to add the specified group. A group is enabled by default, but it can be explicitly disabled. A comment can be provided when the group is created and will be stored in the database for reference. .. member:: security_registry->getGroupID(name::string) Returns the integer ID for the indicated group. This ID can be passed to subsequent methods to identify the group. .. member:: security_registry->listGroups(-name::string) .. member:: security_registry->listGroupsByUser(userid::integer) .. member:: security_registry->listGroupsByUser(username::string) These methods list groups in a variety of ways. The first method will list all groups. A ``-name`` parameter can be specified to perform wildcard searches. The wildcard character is "%". The second and third methods return a list of groups that the indicated user belongs to. Each group is represented by a map object containing the keys 'id', 'name', 'enabled', and 'comment'. .. member:: security_registry->removeGroup(groupid::integer) .. member:: security_registry->removeGroup(name::string) These methods will remove the indicated group. All users are disassociated from the group. .. member:: security_registry->updateGroup(groupid::integer, \ -name= null, \ -enabled= null, \ -comment= null) Modifies the information for the group. Passing any of the ``-name``, ``-enabled`` or ``-comment`` parameters will set the appropriate data. .. member:: security_registry->addUser(username::string, password::string, \ enabled::boolean = true, \ comment::string = '', \ -realm= 'Lasso Security') Adds a new user to the system. A username and password must be supplied. An optional ``enabled`` and ``comment`` parameter can be provided. The ``-realm`` parameter controls which realm the user is placed in. The default realm is "Lasso Security". The user's information record is then returned as a map object containing the keys 'id', 'name', 'enabled', 'comment', 'email', 'real_name' and 'realm'. .. note:: The 'email' and 'real_name' fields are not used at this time. .. member:: security_registry->addUserToGroup(userid::integer, groupid::integer) Adds a user to a group. Both user and group must be indicated by their integer IDs. .. member:: security_registry->checkUser(username::string, password::string, \ -realm::string= 'Lasso Security') Authenticates the given username and password and will return user's record if it succeeds. The return value will be a map object containing the keys 'id', 'name', 'enabled', 'comment', 'email', 'real_name' and 'realm'. If the check fails, this method will return "void". The check will fail if the user account is not enabled. .. member:: security_registry->countUsersByGroup(groupid::integer) Returns the number of users in the indicated group. .. member:: security_registry->getUser(userid::integer) .. member:: security_registry->getUser(name::string, -realm::string= 'Lasso Security') .. member:: security_registry->getUserID(name::string, -realm::string= 'Lasso Security') The first two methods return the user record for the indicated user. The third method returns the ID of the indicated user. .. member:: security_registry->listUsers(-name::string= '', -realm= null) .. member:: security_registry->listUsersByGroup(name::string) These methods list users and return their user records. The first method permits a ``-name`` pattern to be specified as well as a realm. Not specifying ``-realm`` will result in all realms being searched. The second method lists all of the users in the indicated group. .. member:: security_registry->removeUser(userid::integer) .. member:: security_registry->removeUserFromGroup(userid::integer, groupid::integer) .. member:: security_registry->removeUserFromAllGroups(userid::integer) These methods can be used to remove a user from the system, remove a user from a group, or remove a user from all groups, respectively. .. member:: security_registry->userPassword=(password::string, userid::integer) .. member:: security_registry->userEnabled=(enabled::boolean, userid::integer) .. member:: security_registry->userComment=(comment::string, userid::integer) Given a user ID, these setter methods will assign that user's password, enabled state, or associated comment, respectively. Call these by specifying the user ID as a parameter and the value as an assignment. :: security_registry->userComment(1) = "I am the first user!"