.. _files: *********** File System *********** Lasso provides access to the local file system through the :type:`file` and :type:`dir` types. File objects are used to create, delete, read, and write file data. Dir objects are use to create and delete directories and to iterate through directory contents. Each are front ends for the :type:`filedesc` and :type:`dirdesc` types, which are internal interfaces used by these and other methods for communication with the filesystem and other processes (e.g. :type:`net_tcp`, `split_thread`). .. _files-paths: Paths ===== Individual files and directories are identified by their paths. Paths may include "|dot| ." or "|dot| " components to specify "parent" or "current" locations, respectively. Path components are generally separated by forward slashes, though backward slashes are acceptable as well and may be more natural on Windows operating systems. Regardless of which type of slash is used, Lasso will normalize all paths to match the conventions of the operating system before using the path in any system function. Paths can be either relative or full. Full paths always start with at least one slash, or in the case of Windows, may start with a drive letter designation (e.g. "C:"). Full file paths are based from the file system root. When serving web requests under Lasso Server, the file system root defaults to the host document root as indicated by the web server for that request (IIS, Apache, etc.) or as set by the :envvar:`LASSOSERVER_DOCUMENT_ROOT` web request variable. This applies to the current thread only. Any new threads will not inherit the request-specific file system root. It is possible to escape the host document root and target the real file system root by using a full path with either a drive letter designation in the case of Windows, or by prefixing the path with two additional forward slashes. For example, "//foo/bar" and "C:\\foo\\bar" would both reference the same file on Windows, provided "C:" is the system drive. When not serving a web request, such as when running items from "LassoStartup" or when running scripts through the :program:`lasso9` command-line tool, the file system root is set to the system's natural root which is "/" for UNIX-based systems or "C:" (for example) on Windows-based systems. Relative paths do not begin with a slash or drive designation and specify a file or directory location based on the current working directory. During a web request, the current working directory is the directory location of the currently active source file. For example, when processing a request for the file "/foo/bar.lasso", "/foo/" is the current working directory and a file with a relative path of "baz.lasso" will be looked for as "/foo/baz.lasso". To illustrate, consider the following three example files. Within the first two are tests checking for the existence of the next file. .. code-block:: none /test.lasso - file 'dir/test.lasso' exists /dir/test.lasso - file 'dir2/test.lasso' exists /dir/dir2/test.lasso When not serving a web request or when running shell scripts via lasso9, the current working directory is as set by the operating system or shell. In this situation, the current working directory path can be retrieved with the `io_file_getcwd` method, and the current working directory can be set with the `io_file_chdir` method. Manipulating the working directory in this way changes it globally for all threads in the current process. File Type ========= .. type:: file .. method:: file() .. method:: file(path::string) File objects can be instantiated with or without an initial path. Creating a file object does not open the file. If created without a path, a path must be specified when later opening the file. Opening Files ------------- A file must be opened before it can be read from or written to. Once a file is opened, it should be closed when it is no longer needed. While Lasso will close all files that become garbage-collected, it is recommended to immediately close files once their tasks are completed. Many operating systems have limitations on the number of simultaneously opened files, and ensuring that they are closed promptly will improve system performance. .. member:: file->openRead() .. member:: file->openWrite() .. member:: file->openWriteOnly() .. member:: file->openAppend() .. member:: file->openTruncate() Opens the file using the open mode indicated in the method name. - `~file->openRead` will open the file in read-only mode. - `~file->openWrite` will open the file in read/write mode. - `~file->openAppend` will open the file in read/write mode and will set the current write position to the end of the file. - `~file->openTruncate` will open the file in read/write mode and will set the file's size to zero. Write, append, and truncate modes will create the file if it does not exist. Read-only mode will fail if the file does not exist. All the methods will fail if the process does not have access to the file in question. In this case the `error_code` and `error_msg` will be set to the values generated by the operating system. .. member:: file->openRead(path::string) .. member:: file->openWrite(path::string, okCreate::boolean= ?) .. member:: file->openWriteOnly(path::string, okCreate::boolean= ?) .. member:: file->openAppend(path::string, okCreate::boolean= ?) .. member:: file->openTruncate(path::string, okCreate::boolean= ?) Opens the file in the same manner as the preceding methods, however these methods allow providing the file path at the time the file is opened. An optional second boolean parameter can be given to specify whether the file should be created if it does not exist. If "false" is given for this parameter then the file will not be created and a failure will be generated using the operating system's error code and message. Closing Files ------------- Once a file is opened, it must later be closed. Once a file is closed it can no longer be read from or written to until it is reopened. .. member:: file->doWithClose() Requires a capture block when called. The capture block will be invoked and then the file will be closed. This is the safest method to use when working with files as it will ensure the file is closed even if a failure occurs within the capture block. Example of writing to a file within a capture block:: local(f) = file('n.txt') #f->doWithClose => { #f->openWrite // ... work with file ... } .. member:: file->close() Simply closes the file. Reading File Data ----------------- File data can be read as either bytes or string objects. By default, string objects, which are always Unicode, are created with the assumption that the file contains UTF-8 encoded data. This assumption can be changed by settings the file objects's character encoding value. When reading the data as a byte stream, the unaltered file data is returned. Data can be read line by line or as individual bytes or in chunks of bytes. Each read returns the bytes immediately following the previously read bytes unless the file's read/write position is moved. Attempts to read past the end of the file will return a zero-sized bytes object. .. member:: file->readBytes(count::integer= ?)::bytes Reads and returns all the remaining data from the file, or reads up to the requested number of bytes. There may be fewer bytes available than requested. .. member:: file->readString(count::integer= ?)::string Reads and returns all the remaining data from the file, or reads up to the requested number of bytes and attempts to convert it into a string object. It is generally not safe to use when dealing with multi-byte characters as the read end point may come in the middle of a character sequence, producing invalid Unicode data. .. member:: file->marker()::integer .. member:: file->marker=(m::integer) Respectively gets and sets the file object's current read/write marker. This value controls where the next read or write will take place. The marker value is zero-based. Settings the marker to zero moves the marker to the beginning of the file. .. member:: file->encoding()::string .. member:: file->encoding=(e::string) Respectively gets and sets the file object's character encoding value, which defaults to UTF-8. This value controls how the `file->readString` method converts the data read from the file into a string object. .. member:: file->forEach() .. member:: file->forEachLine() Provides iteration over the file's bytes either one at a time or line by line. Example of performing an operation for each line of a file:: #f->forEachLine => { local(theLine) = #1 // ... } Writing File Data ----------------- Data can be written to files using either bytes or string objects as the source. When writing Unicode string data to a file, the file's encoding value is used. Writing past the end of the file will increase the file's size. Manipulating the file's marker will adjust where the next write takes place. .. member:: file->writeBytes(b::bytes)::integer .. member:: file->writeString(s::string)::integer Writes bytes or string data to the file and returns the number of bytes that were written. .. member:: file->moveTo(path::string, overwrite::boolean= false) .. member:: file->copyTo(path::string, overwrite::boolean= false) Attempts to move or copy the file to a new location or fail trying. If the destination file already exists, the method will fail. Setting ``overwrite`` to "true" will have it replace the existing file with the file referenced by the file object. .. member:: file->delete() Closes and deletes the file from the system. File Manipulation Methods ------------------------- .. member:: file->exists()::boolean Returns "true" if the file exists on the system. .. member:: file->path()::string Returns the path to the file. .. member:: file->parentDir()::dir Returns a :type:`dir` object set to the file's parent directory. .. member:: file->size()::integer .. member:: file->size=(s::integer) Respectively gets and sets the file's size. Setting the size in this manner will change the file's size on disk. .. member:: file->modificationTime()::integer .. member:: file->modificationDate()::date Returns the raw file modification time as an integer and the modification time as a date object, respectively. .. member:: file->lastAccessTime()::integer .. member:: file->lastAccessDate()::date Returns the raw file's last access time as an integer and last access time as a date object, respectively. .. member:: file->linkTo(path::string, hard::boolean= false) Attempts to create a hard or soft link of the file at the specified location. It may not be available or may not operate consistently across all supported operating systems. .. member: file->chown(user::string) .. member:: file->chown(user::string, group::string= ?) .. member:: file->chown(uid::integer, gid::integer) .. member:: file->chmod(to::integer) .. member:: file->perms()::integer Sets and gets the permissions of the file. These operations are currently supported on UNIX-based systems only. Standard File Objects --------------------- .. method:: file_stdin()::file .. method:: file_stdout()::file .. method:: file_stderr()::file Lasso makes the standard in, out, and error files available using these methods. In general, these file objects should not be closed. The file objects returned from these methods will not close the underlying system file when they are garbage-collected. Dir Type ======== .. type:: dir .. method:: dir(path::string, -resolveLinks= false) Dir objects are instantiated with a path and an optional ``-resolveLinks`` keyword parameter, which defaults to "false". If set to "true", the dir object will resolve symbolic links when iterating over its contents, when returning its own `file->perms` and when determining if it is indeed a directory through the `dir->isDir` method. Creating Directories -------------------- .. member:: dir->create(perms::integer= integer_bitOr(\ io_file_s_irwxg, \ io_file_s_irwxu, \ io_file_s_irwxo)) Attempts to create the directory at the path specified when the dir object was created. The ``perms`` parameter specifies the permissions that the directory should be given. This defaults to the equivalent of "rwxrwxrwx". Attempts to create any non-existent intermediate directories along the path with the same permissions. It does not alter the permissions of any existing directories. Iterating Directory Contents ---------------------------- The contents of a directory can be explored in a variety of ways. The contents can be returned as a series of string paths or as a series of file and dir objects. Sub-directory contents can be returned recursively. The paths of subdirectories produced by these methods will have a trailing forward slash. A dir object will never return a path or object representing the "|dot| ." or "|dot| " directory entries. Each of the values returned by these methods can be used in query expressions or in `iterate`. A dir object itself can be used in a query expression or iterate. In this case, the behavior will be the same as with the `dir->eachPath` method, described below. .. member:: dir->eachPath() .. member:: dir->eachFilePath() .. member:: dir->eachDirPath() Iterates on the relative paths of the contents of the directory. The `~dir->eachPath` method returns both files and subdirectories, while `~dir->eachFilePath` and `~dir->eachDirPath` return only the file or subdirectory paths, respectively. .. member:: dir->eachPathRecursive() .. member:: dir->eachFilePathRecursive() .. member:: dir->eachDirPathRecursive() Iterates on the relative paths or the contents of the directory. When a subdirectory is encountered, its contents are also included, and so on as deep as the directory tree goes. .. member:: dir->each() .. member:: dir->eachFile() .. member:: dir->eachDir() Returns the directory contents as file or dir objects. The `~dir->each` method returns both the files and directories within the directory. The `~dir->eachFile` and `~dir->eachDir` methods return only the files or directories, respectively. List Directory Contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Use a :type:`dir` object in a query expression to list the contents of the current working directory:: with path in dir('.') sum #path + '\n' // => // A Folder/ // My_File.txt // Sub_Directory/ Use a :type:`dir` object to list a directory's contents as :type:`file` objects:: with f in dir('foo/')->eachFile // f is a file object sum #f->size->asString(-padding=10) + ' ' + #f->name + '\n' // => // 12779 An Example File.pdf // 0 empty_file // 1063 Rhino Habitats.txt // 109572 Rhino Running.jpg // 3270 Summary.txt Directory Manipulation Methods ------------------------------ .. member:: dir->moveTo(path::string) Attempts to rename, or "move", the directory. A failure is generated if the operation fails. .. member:: dir->delete() Attempts to delete the directory. A directory must be empty before it can be successfully deleted. A failure is generated if the operation fails. .. member:: dir->exists()::boolean Returns "true" if the directory exists on disk. .. member:: dir->path()::string Returns the directory's path as a string. .. member:: dir->parentDir()::dir Returns the directory's parent directory as a :type:`dir` object.