.. _sessions: ******** Sessions ******** :dfn:`Sessions` allow variables to be created that persist between requests within a website. Rather than passing data using HTML forms or URLs, visitor-specific data can be stored in Lasso variables that are automatically saved and retrieved by Lasso for each page a visitor loads. Sessions can be used for a variety of purposes, including: - **Saving state** -- Sessions can store the current state of a website for a given visitor. They can retain what the last search they performed was, how the data on a results page was sorted, or in what format the data should be presented. - **Storing references to database data** -- Key column values can be stored in a session for quick access. These might include records in a user database or a shopping cart database. - **Storing authentication information** -- After a visitor has authenticated using a username and password, that authentication information can be stored in a session and then checked to verify that the same visitor is accessing data from page request to page request. - **Storing data without using a database** -- Any type that imports the :trait:`trait_serializable` trait can be stored in a session variable. A website with multiple forms can have the data from each form stored in a session and only placed in the database once the final form is submitted. Or, a shopping cart can be stored in a session and only placed in an orders table upon checkout. How Sessions Work ================= A session has three characteristics: a name, a list of variables that should be stored, and an ID string that identifies a particular site visitor. Name The session name is defined when the session is created by the `session_start` method. The same session name must be used for each request that wants to load the session. The name typically represents the type of data being stored in the session, e.g. "Shopping_Cart" or "Site_Preferences". Variables Each session maintains a list of variables that are being stored. Variables can be added to the session using `session_addVar`. The values for all variables in the session are remembered at the end of each request that loads the session. The value for each saved variable is restored when that session is next loaded. ID Lasso automatically creates an ID string for each site visitor when a session is created. The ID string is either stored in a cookie or passed from page to page using the "-lassosession" GET or POST parameter. When a session is loaded, the ID of the current visitor is combined with the name of the session to locate and load the particular set of variables for that session and the current visitor. .. important:: Only :ref:`thread variables ` can be added to a session. Sessions are created and loaded using the `session_start` method. This method should be used early for each request that needs access to the session variables. The `session_start` method either creates a new session or loads an existing session depending on whether there are existing variables currently stored for the site visitor. Sessions can be set to expire after a specified amount of idle time. The default is 15 minutes. If the visitor has not loaded a page that starts the session within the idle time limit, then the session will be deleted automatically. Note that the idle timeout resets each time a request loads the session. Once a variable has been added to a session using the `session_addVar` method, its stored value will be set each time the `session_start` method is called. The variable does not need to be added to the session on each request, though it is safe to do so. A variable can be removed from a session using the `session_removeVar` method. This method does not alter a variable's current value, but does prevent the value of the variable from being saved for the session. This means the variable will not be available on future session loads. Session Methods =============== Below is a description of each of the session methods: .. method:: session_start(...) Starts a new session or loads an existing session. :param string name: The name of the session. This is the only required parameter. All other parameters are optional and have default values that cover the majority of usages. :param integer=15 -expires: The idle expiration time for the session in minutes. :param string=null -id: Optionally sets the ID for the current visitor. This permits the ID to be supplied explicitly by the developer. If no ID is specified, then Lasso will automatically create an ID. :param boolean=true -useCookie: If "true", then sessions will be tracked by cookie. ``-useCookie`` defaults to "true" unless ``-useLink``, ``-useAuto``, or ``-useNone`` is specified. :param boolean=false -useLink: If "true", then sessions will be tracked by modifying all the absolute and relative links in the outgoing response data. :param boolean=false -useNone: If specified, no links on the current page will be modified and a cookie will not be set. ``-useNone`` allows custom session tracking to be used, bypassing the automated methods provided by Lasso. :param boolean=true -useAuto: This option automatically uses ``-useCookie`` if cookies are available on the visitor's browser or ``-useLink`` if they are not. Since Lasso has no way of knowing if cookies are enabled when a session is first started, ``-useLink`` is implicitly "true" on that first request and links will be adjusted to carry the session. If the session cookie is present on subsequent requests, ``-useLink`` will be implicitly "false" and links will not be adjusted. :param integer=null -cookieExpires: Optionally sets the expiration in minutes for the session cookie. This permits the cookie expiration to be set, regardless of the overall expiration for the session itself. :param string=null -domain: Optionally sets the domain for the session cookie. :param string='/' -path: Optionally sets the path for the session cookie. :param boolean=false -secure: If "true", the session cookie will only be sent back to the web server on requests for HTTPS secure web pages. The `session_end` should also be specified with ``-secure`` if this option is desired. :param boolean=false -httponly: If "true", modern web browsers will block client-side scripts from accessing the cookie. The `session_end` should also be specified with ``-httponly`` if this option is desired. :param boolean=false -rotate: If "true", the session will have a new ID generated for it on each request. This is ignored if ``-id`` is specified. .. versionchanged:: 9.3.1 Added ``-httponly`` flag. .. method:: session_id(sessionName::string) Returns the current session ID. Accepts a single parameter: the name of the session for which the session ID should be returned. .. method:: session_addVar(sessionName::string, varName::string) Adds a variable to a specified session. Accepts two parameters: the name of the session and the name of the variable. .. method:: session_removeVar(sessionName::string, varName::string) Removes a variable from a specified session. Accepts two parameters: the name of the session and the name of the variable. .. method:: session_end(\ sessionName::string, \ -secure=false::boolean, \ -httponly=false::boolean) Deletes the stored information about a named session for the current visitor. Accepts a required parameter: the name of the session to be deleted, and two optional keyword parameters: ``-secure`` and ``-httponly``. The ``-secure`` parameter should be "true" if the ``-secure`` parameter was "true" when `session_start` was called. The same applies to the ``-httponly`` parameter. .. method:: session_abort(sessionName::string) Prevents the session from being stored at the end of the current request. This allows graceful recovery from an error that would otherwise corrupt data stored in the session. Accepts a single parameter: the name of the session to be aborted. .. method:: session_result(sessionName::string) When called immediately after the `session_start` method, it returns "new", "load", or "expire" depending on whether a new session was created, an existing session loaded, or an expired session forced a new session to be created, respectively. If `session_start` is called with the optional ``-rotate`` keyword parameter, the word "rotate" may also be returned from this method. .. method:: session_deleteExpired() This method is used internally by the session manager and does not normally need to be called directly. It trigers a cleanup routine that deletes expired sessions from the current session storage location. .. tip:: The ``-useCookie`` is the default for `session_start` unless ``-useLink`` or ``-useNone`` are specified. Use ``-useLink`` to track a session using only links. Use both ``-useLink`` and ``-useCookie`` to track a session using both links and a cookie. Starting a Session ================== The `session_start` method is used to start a new session or to load an existing session. When the `session_start` method is called with a given ``name`` parameter it first checks to see whether an ID is defined for the current visitor. The ID is searched for in the following three locations: - **Parameter** -- If the `session_start` method has an ``-id`` keyword parameter then it is used as the ID for the current visitor. - **Cookie** -- If a session tracker cookie is found for the name of the session then the ID stored in the cookie is used. - **-lassosession** -- If a "-lassosession" parameter for the name of the session was specified as a GET or POST parameter then that value is used as the session ID. The name of the session and the ID are used to check whether a session has already been created for the current visitor. If it has, then the variables in the session are loaded, replacing the values for any variables of the same name that are already active on the current page. If no ID can be found, the specified ID is invalid, or if the session identified by the name and ID has expired, then a new session is created. After the `session_start` method has been called, the `session_id` method can be used to retrieve the ID of the current session. It is guaranteed that either a valid session will be loaded or a new session will be created when `session_start` is called. .. note:: The `session_start` method must be used once for each request that will access session variables. Session Tracking ================ The session ID for the current visitor can be tracked using two different methods, or a custom tracking system can be devised. The tracking system to be used depends on which parameters are specified when the `session_start` method is called. Using Cookies ------------- The default session tracking method is to use a browser cookie. If no other method is specified when creating a session, then the ``-useCookie`` method is used by default. The cookie will be inspected automatically when the visitor makes another request that includes a call to the `session_start` method. No additional programming is required. The session tracking cookie is of the following form: the name of the cookie starts with "_LassoSessionTracker_" and is followed by the name given to the session in `session_start`. The value for the cookie is the session ID as returned by `session_id`. Using Links ----------- If the ``-useLink`` parameter is specified in the `session_start` method, Lasso will automatically modify links contained on the current page. No additional programming beyond specifying the ``-useLink`` parameter is required. By default, links contained in the "href" parameter of anchor tags will be modified. Links are only modified if they reference a file on the same machine as the current website. Any links that start with any of the following strings are not modified: "file\://", "ftp\://", "http\://", "https\://", "javascript:", "mailto:", "telnet\://", "#". Links are modified by adding a ``-lassosession:SessionName`` parameter to the end of the link. The value of the parameter is the session ID, as returned by the `session_id` method. For example, an ```` tag referencing the current file with a session named "Cart" would have ``?-lassosession:Cart=`` and the session ID appended after the URL path. Using Cookies with a Link Fallback ---------------------------------- If the ``-useAuto`` parameter is specified in the `session_start` method, Lasso will check for a cookie with an appropriate name for the current session. If the cookie is found then ``-useCookie`` will be used to propagate the session. If the cookie cannot be found, then ``-useLink`` will be used to propagate the session. This allows a site to preferentially use cookies to propagate the session but fall back on links if cookies are disabled in the visitor's browser. Using Custom Tracking --------------------- If the ``-useNone`` parameter is specified in the `session_start` method, Lasso will not attempt to propagate the session. The techniques described later in this chapter for manually propagating the session must then be used. Using Sessions ============== Use the ``session_…`` methods to work with sessions in Lasso. Start a Session --------------- The following example starts a session named "Site_Preferences" with an idle expiration of 24 hours (1440 minutes). The session will be tracked using both cookies and links. :: session_start('Site_Preferences', -expires=1440, -useLink, -useCookie) Add Variables to a Session -------------------------- Use the `session_addVar` method to add a variable to a session. Once a variable has been added to a session its value will be restored when `session_start` is next called. In the following example, a variable named "real_name" is added to a session named "Site_Preferences":: session_addVar('Site_Preferences', 'real_name') Remove Variables from a Session ------------------------------- Use the `session_removeVar` method to remove a variable from a session. The variable will no longer be stored with the session, and its value will not be restored in subsequent requests. The value of the variable in the current request will not be affected. In the following example, a variable named "real_name" is removed from a session named "Site_Preferences":: session_removeVar('Site_Preferences', 'real_name') Delete a Session ---------------- A session can be deleted using the `session_end` method with the name of the session. The session will be ended immediately. None of the variables in the session will be affected in the current request, but their values will not be restored in subsequent requests. Before a session can be ended, it has to be loaded, so you must call `session_start` before you can call `session_end` Sessions can also end automatically if the timeout specified by the ``-expires`` keyword parameter is reached. In the following example the session "Site_Preferences" is ended:: session_start('Site_Preferences') session_end('Site_Preferences') Pass a Session in an HTML Form ------------------------------ Sessions can be added to URLs automatically using the ``-useLink`` keyword parameter in the `session_start` method. In order to pass a session using a form, a hidden input must be added explicitly. The hidden input should have the name "-lassosession:SessionName" and a value of `session_id`. In the following example, the ID for a session "Site_Preferences" is returned using `session_id` and passed explicitly in an HTML form::
Conditionally Track a Session Using Links ----------------------------------------- The following example shows how to start a session using links if cookies are disabled. The ``-useAuto`` parameter will first try setting a cookie and decorate the links on the current page. If the session cookie is found on subsequent page loads, it will be used and the links on the page will not be decorated. If the cookie cannot be found, then links will be used to propagate the session. :: session_start('Site_Preferences', -useAuto) Session Example --------------- This example demonstrates how to use sessions to store user-specific values that are persistent from request to request. It displays a form which the user can manipulate. The user's selections are saved from one request to the next. Sessions will be used to track the visitor's name, email address, favorite color, and favorite forms of faster-than-light travel in session variables. :: { // The session did not already exist, // so set the variables we want to be saved session_addVar(#sessionName, 'realName') session_addVar(#sessionName, 'emailAddress') session_addVar(#sessionName, 'favoriteColor') session_addVar(#sessionName, 'hyperDrive') session_addVar(#sessionName, 'warpDrive') session_addVar(#sessionName, 'wormHole') session_addVar(#sessionName, 'improbabilityDrive') session_addVar(#sessionName, 'spaceFold') session_addVar(#sessionName, 'jumpGate') // Initialize our vars to empty values var(realName, emailAddress, favoriteColor, hyperDrive, warpDrive, wormHole, improbabilityDrive, spaceFold, jumpGate) else(#wr->param('submit')) // The session existed var(realName) = #wr->param('realName') var(emailAddress) = #wr->param('emailAddress') var(favoriteColor) = #wr->param('favoriteColor') var(hyperDrive) = #wr->param('hyperdrive') var(warpDrive) = #wr->param('warpdrive') var(wormHole) = #wr->param('wormhole') var(improbabilityDrive) = #wr->param('improbabilitydrive') var(spaceFold) = #wr->param('spacefold') var(jumpGate) = #wr->param('jumpgate') } ?>
Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Your Favorite Color:
Your Favorite Forms of Superluminal Travel:
Hyper Drive
Warp Drive
Worm Hole
Improbability Drive
Space Fold
Jump Gate

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